December 31, 2005

Libera Members: Autumn 2005

Samir Abouelfaid
Jonathan Barrington
Sam Coates
Liam Connery
Ben Crawley
Thomas Cully
Edward Day
Steven Geraghty
Michael Horncastle
Samuel Leggett
Zachary Lockett
Joshua Madine
Raoul Newmann
Connor O'Donnell
Callum Payne
Joseph Platt
Joseph Sanders-Wilde
Jake Shortall
James Vereycken
Michael Vereycken

December 29, 2005

Far Away (Michael H)

Date: December 29, 2005
Note: The soloist in this video is Michael Horncastle.

December 4, 2005

Libera (Michael H & Joe SW)

Date: December 4, 2005
Note: The soloists in this video are Micahel Horncastle and Joseph Sanders-Wilde.


When A Knight Won His Spurs (Ed)

Date: December 4, 2005
Note: The soloist in this video is Ed Day.