December 31, 2005

Libera Members: Autumn 2005

Samir Abouelfaid
Jonathan Barrington
Sam Coates
Liam Connery
Ben Crawley
Thomas Cully
Edward Day
Steven Geraghty
Michael Horncastle
Samuel Leggett
Zachary Lockett
Joshua Madine
Raoul Newmann
Connor O'Donnell
Callum Payne
Joseph Platt
Joseph Sanders-Wilde
Jake Shortall
James Vereycken
Michael Vereycken

December 29, 2005

Far Away (Michael H)

Date: December 29, 2005
Note: The soloist in this video is Michael Horncastle.

December 4, 2005

Libera (Michael H & Joe SW)

Date: December 4, 2005
Note: The soloists in this video are Micahel Horncastle and Joseph Sanders-Wilde.


When A Knight Won His Spurs (Ed)

Date: December 4, 2005
Note: The soloist in this video is Ed Day.

November 13, 2005

We Are The Lost (Michael H)

Date: November 13, 2005
Note: The soloist in this song is Michael Horncastle.

November 7, 2005

Discography: Visions

Visions (November 7, 2005)
1. Locus Iste
2. Always With You (soloist: Tom Cully)
3. Ave Maria (soloist: Conor O'Donnell)
4. Libera (soloist: Michael Horncastle and Joseph Sanders-Wilde)
5. Sempiterna (soloist: Joseph Sanders-Wilde and Tom Cully)
6. Prayer (soloist: Michael Horncastle and Callum Payne)
7. Rocordare (solist: Conor o'Donnell and Joseph Sanders-Wilde)
8. Wings of a Dove
9. Something Sings (soloist: Michael Horncastle)
10. New Day
11. We are the Lost (soloist: Michael Horncastle and Tom Cully)
12. Sing For Ever (soloist: Michael Horncastle)
13. Abide With Me (soloist: James Vereycken)

Libera Members:
Sam Abouelfaid
Jonathan Barrington
Anthony Chadney
Sam Coates
Liam Connery
Ben Crawley
Tom Cully
Ed Day
Steven Geraghty
Michael Horncastle
Simon Lewis
Sam Leggett
Zack Lockett
Josh Madine
Raoul Neumann
Connor O'Donnell
Callum Payne
Joe Platt
Chris Robson
Joe Sanders-Wilde
Jake Shortall
James Vereycken
Michael Vereycken

October 29, 2005

Japan Sightseeing

Date: October 29, 2005
Note: It shows their visit to Asakusa and Akihabara.

October 27, 2005

Japan Concert October 2005 Archive

Date & Location:
10/27. Aichi Arts Center, Nagoya, Japan (7pm)
10/28. Yokohama Minato Mirai Hall, Yokohama, Japan (7pm)
10/30. Bunkyo Civic Hall, Tokyo, Japan (2pm)

S - $70 USD
A - $60 USD

Member List:
Sam Abouelfaid
Jonathan Barrington
Liam Connery
Tom Cully
Ed day
Michael Horncastle
Sam Leggett
Zach Lockett
Josh Madine
Raoul Newmann
Conor O'Donnell
Callum Payne
Joe Platt
Joe Sanders-Wilde
Jake Shortall
James Vereycken
Michael Vereycken

Musical Director: Robert Prizeman
Sam Coates
Ben Crawley
Steven Geraghty
Cheperon: Barbara Geraghty

Song List:

Always With You
Sing For Ever
Agnus Dei
Ave Verum
When a Knight

- Interval -

Wings of a Dove
Ave Maria
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
Salva Me
Sacris Solemnis
I Am the Day
